One of the most well known aspects of Japanese culture is are the martial arts of Japan. From the time of the samurai era, in which feudal warfare was a way of life, samurai warriors were required to be skilled in armed and unarmed combat to defend their feudal lord or daimyo’s interests. Samurai did not practice these combat skills as an art, but rather as matter of life or death.
Today, the Japanese martial arts have evolved from pure battlefield combat to modern day adaptations for self-defense, fitness, mental/spiritual wellness, athletic competition and meditation. Some of the most popular Japanese martial arts include karate, judo and kendo.
Karate is actually a martial art that originated in Okinawa and was influenced by Chinese martial arts. Karate translates to “empty hand” and utilizes hands, feet, elbows, knees, head—pretty much the whole body—as a weapon. Karate emphasizes training in various techniques of punching, kicking, blocking and grappling to overcome your opponent. As the name implies it does not emphasize the use of weapons, but rather the weapon is the “empty hand.” There are many styles of karate and one of the most popular styles is Shotokan karate.
Shotokan karate was introduced to Japan by the great Shotokan karate sensei Gichin Funakoshi. Funakoshi Sensei gave public demonstrations of karate in Tokyo as early as 1917 to the ministry of education. Karate training was later incorporated into Japan’s public school system. Karate practice is primarily characterized by linear punching and kicking techniques executed from a stable, fixed stance. Many styles of karate practiced today incorporate the forms kata originally developed by Funakoshi Sensei and his teachers. Many karate practitioners also participate in light- and no-contact competitions while some still compete in full-contact competitions with little or no protective gear. For more information on Shotokan karate in Hawaii you can go to this website:
Judo is another martial art with deep roots in Japanese martial culture. Judo was created from jujutsu which was a samurai warrior skill that emphasized locking, throwing, and grappling techniques to overcome an armed or unarmed opponent on the battlefield. Jujutsu as practiced by the warrior class was not an art or sport. It was designed to kill or maim your opponent. Judo was a modern adaptation of jujutsu created by Dr. Jigaro Kano, the father of modern Judo. Kano Sensei developed judo as an art for self-defense, sport and physical/spiritual development. Dropping the more warrior classification of jutsu and adding do which means “way or method” Kano Sensei named his modern version of throwing and grappling judo or the “gentle way”. Judo emphasizes using your opponent’s strength and power against himself. Judo techniques emphasize throws, chokes, and locks. Judo today is an international Olympic sport. In Japan, the oldest and most prestigious training hall is the Kodokan. It was founded by Kano Sensei and still exists today and hosts visitors from all over the world to train and study. There are many places to study Judo in Hawaii. Here is a link to a popular dojo in Hawaii for more information:
Kendo is a traditional Japanese martial art, which descended from samurai swordsmanship and uses bamboo swords and protective armour. Today, it is widely practiced within Japan and many other nations across the world. Kendo, unlike karate or judo, has its main emphasis on learning the art of Japanese swordsmanship. Using a traditional bamboo sword called a shinai and by wearing protective body armor, the practitioner of kendo can practice the art of swordsmanship against an opponent without the fear of harming one another. In Hawaii there are various places to practice kendo. Here is a weblink to a popular kendo dojo in Hawaii:
Japanese martial arts teach more than just self-defense or physical fitness. Japanese martial arts help to develop a strong will and fighting spirit, self discipline and confidence. These qualities will help you to overcome life challenges beyond mere physical encounters. If you are interested in learning about Japanese culture through martial arts you will not be disappointed.
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