Tuesday, September 25, 2018

How to e-chat with your Japanese girlfriend

One of the common obstacles of long distance relationships is overcoming not being able to communicate regularly with each other because you are far apart. In the past this was a much more difficult problem to solve because mail was slow and phone calls were expensive.

Fast forward to where we are at today and thanks to the internet we can instantly communicate by email, text, Skype, Facetime and many other ways that would have seemed impossible back in the day.

One of the most common texting apps used in Japan is LINE.  In fact it is the most popular texting app in Japan.  It is easy to download and is free.  

It is important to know how to text with your Japanese girlfriend through LINE or any other texting app.  Here are a few tips to remember when communicating with your Japanese girlfriend.

Remember, English to her is a second language.  It is best to avoid using slang or abbreviations.   The best way to communicate with her via text messages is to use simple, straightforward sentences and grammar. Keep your grammar easy to understand - use simple present tense for things you’re doing every day, use future tense (will) for future events, simple past for things you finished.

Here’s an example of the wrong way of talking to Japanese people who speak little English.  She will not understand what this means:

“Hey Yumiko, what’s up? Anything new? I just wanted to holler at you and see what you’ve been up to.  I’ve been studying Japanese heavily and it’s crazy hard, but it’s coming along. When are you planning to come back?”

Now, an example of the right way - she will understand most if not all of this and is more likely to reply to you quickly because she doesn’t need to check a dictionary or grammar book to reply:

“Hi Yumiko! How are you?  What are you doing recently? I study Japanese everyday.  It is hard, but I like it! Will you come back to Hawaii soon?”

Simple straightforward communication works best. Enjoy communicating with your Japanese girlfriend over LINE or other texting apps. You can also take advantage of apps like Facetime or Skype so that you can actually see each other.  The same rules apply about using simple straightforward communication. Later as she gets more used to English you can introduce her to more slang or words you commonly use that she may not understand. Enjoy communicating !

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